Monday, March 30, 2015


Hey guys I know, I know I haven't held up to my promise on updating but I'm just trying to put together more content. I really want to share my hobby of crafting and doing DIY projects on this blog. I do have a idea in my mind about a Islam related diy that will take a lot of time and planning which is why I'm still unsure if I want to peruse it just yet. The general idea is a pixelated image of the city of Makkah including the Kabbah using paint chips! It sounds pretty amazing to me but I just need more time to plan and figure out how this will work or even how big I want it but until than I'll have to leave you here. 😞 be sure to follow me on my TUMBLR which is more Islamic themed but I also do have a separate blog which is more of a desi, Middle Eastern blog which is linked here. Last but not least you can also follow me on my Instagram which is @minasmiles45. Thank you all for you patience. If you can just take a few minitues of your time and either like this post or leave a comment down below it would really help me know what content you guys would wish to seein the future. Lots of love, Salam.
Xo Mina.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Where have I been?

Hello everyone, now I know I have been MIA recently but I have a lot in store for you all. This blog will include more reviews and possibly even upcoming giveaways so stay tuned.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Uses of Coconut Oil:

Types of coconut oil:

  • Expeller pressed (refined) coconut oil can be used for anything. It does not have a coconut like smell or taste.
  • Virgin (unrefined) coconut oil tastes and smells like coconuts and is good for being used in cooking.  This oil can still have several uses but it will add flavor and and coconut scent to whatever you are using it for.

Uses of Coconut Oil:

  1. Lip moisturizer- Just take a tiny dab of coconut oil and apply it to your lips. Not only will you be getting softer supple lips but you will also get a bonus glossy sheen on them.
  2. Anti bacterial & Anti Fungal- kills fungi and yeast that causes yeast infections as well as kill bacteria that cause ulcers, throat infections, gum diseases and so on.
  3. Deodorant- You can either apply it as is or add other ingredients to make your own Diy deodorant.
  4. Acne- Now this actually does help to clear up acne, I have tried it! Search it up I'm not the only one! 
  5. Brightening your skin- Check this video out if you don't believe me. 
Edit:update coming soon..

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

"The Last Taxi Ride" - A.X Ahmad

Assalamualakum loves!
  So I have recently won this book from a goodreads giveaway. Now If you do not know what good reads is it's a site every book lover should check out. You can enter hundreds of giveaways, review books, look at reviews, rate them, organize books you have read, want to read and are currently reading and also can keep an updated list of all the books you own! How awesome is that. If you haven't already checked it out what are you waiting for? :)
  This book was one of the many I have one, and I have only been on good reads for about  a month You should definitely give it a shot. This book specifically I have just got the time to finally begin reading! I would like to say that even though I've only been able to find time to read four chapters, I can already imagine each scene in the book! Now thats some good writing. I will be hosting a giveaway soon of one of the books I have won. There are just too many and I would love to spread the love. Stay tuned!

Yours truly,

"The last Taxi Ride"

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Welcome loves!

Hello there loves!   Welcome to my blog. This first post will be a little intro as to what you can look forward to in my blog! I'll be updating you on several things from diys, home renovations, beauty, reviews, hauls, my daily life, lookbooks and so much more! Now in order for you to stay updated in all of this simply submit your e-mail up there to be in the know when I make a new blog post, also be sure to follow me on both my tumblr blogs (links in the side tab), I upload daily! I look forward to this new blogging journey, Inshallah it will be successful!